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At Acorn Surfacing we provide a range of commercial and domestic groundworks services in the Bristol area and further afield. Groundworks are completed before laying tarmac to construct roads, paths, driveways or carparks. The term refers to all the works needed to prepare a sub-surface prior to laying the final surface layers.

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private road


Digging foundations for tarmac preparation
We can carry out all the necessary preparation work before laying tarmac for your project. We will excavate the ground to the specified depth depending on the size and type of the project. Levelling and edging will be completed as required before putting down a foundation layer of crushed hardcore. After compacting, this provides a solid sub-base on which to lay the final surface.

Drainage channels
It is important to consider drainage when installing a new surface, such as tarmac, that is impervious to water. Water will collect on the surface which can lead to flooding or waterlogged land. It is neither acceptable nor legal to drain water from private land into the sewers or onto public roads, so well-planned drainage channels are essential. As well as avoiding flooding, good drainage helps to prevent damp problems and water damage. We can dig drainage channels to a range of specifications to ensure water is properly drained from your land.


Private and commercial work for car parks
Whether the car park is large or small, the groundworks required will be more than for a domestic driveway. We can complete all the required preparation work prior to laying your car park surface including levelling the site, excavating, edging and putting in suitable foundation layers.

Leisure areas
We provide services for constructing playgrounds, tennis courts and other leisure areas where surfacing or groundworks are needed. We can carry out all the preparatory work for leisure areas to be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, tarmac or other materials.

Domestic gardens and driveways
Groundworks in a home or garden setting can include foundations for driveways and paths as well as drainage solutions. Our services will enhance your home’s appearance, improve parking and make your property easier to maintain.

We provide groundworks services to customers within the Bristol area and across England and Wales. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your needs in more detail.

drainage pipes